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Выпуск 4, 2022 год

Chen Sh. Operating in international markets through cross-border e-commerce: A practitioners’ perspective.

As the global business environment continuously evolves, the cross-border e-commerce becomes an essential part of international markets. This research analyzes practitioners’ perception of the cross-border e-commerce as an emerging channel to expand and operate in the global market and explores the platform structural performance determinants. We conducted the content and statistical analyses based on 35 interviews and constructed database of 150 observed companies. Deploying the springboard approach as the theoretical underpinning, we find the cross-border e-commerce optimal for companies to respond to the global turmoil in the short term and to achieve internationalization in the long term which serves as the most desirable option for firms to conduct cross-border commercial activities. The personalization in multiple language choices, reliable payment system settings, and clear website privacy commitment are the major factors. The diversity of language settings has the most significant positive influence on the cross-border e-commerce performance. This research contributes to the literature on the internationalization of firms and operation strategy in the global market enhancing the knowledge of operating cross-border e-commerce through the comparison with conventional internationalization paradigms and the examination of specific platform setting factors. International entrepreneurs can also benefit by understanding the practical specifications of the cross-border e-commerce and looking at platform structural performance determinants. The managerial implication suggested in this paper can be applied in their strategic decision-making which enhances a firm performance and helps to engage with the global economy. Keywords: cross-border e-commerce, enterprises, practitioners, international markets, internationalization, platform performance determinants.

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Выпуск 4, 2023 год
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