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Выпуск 2, 2017 год

Orlova E. V., Martynova T. A., Zhukova K. V., Pleshkova A. Yu. Language and Communication Teaching at Business School: New Perspectives.

This paper represents the redesigned language and communication program for bachelor students at the Institute “Graduate School of Management”, Saint Petersburg University that stemmed from the research of the school stakeholders’ needs. The research of the school stakeholders’ needs specified the skills that help to formulate new skills agenda. The comparative analysis of learning goals and procedures of two language and communication program types — topic-based (previous program type) and skills-based (present program type) — revealed that skills-based type is more advantageous to respond to the students’ academic and professional needs as it helps to develop their competencies in a more practical and integrated way. The analysis predetermines the modification of the language and communication program. The paper provides an opportunity to advance the understanding of perspectives in language and communication program development. Keywords: language and communication program, program development, communication skills in English, topic-based program type, skills-based program type, business education.

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